Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy.
Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union.
Erasmus+ S.T.A.R.S. brings together 5 universities, from 4 EU countries, in order to enhance and support the legal clinics development



A summary of the closing conference of the STARS Project 

This summary captures a one-day programme of presentations, panel discussions and interactive dialogue at closing conference of the STARS Project.

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A Roma Tre Legal Clinic former student tells her experience

A Roma Tre Legal Clinic former student tells her experience

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Annullamento Seminario organizzato dalla Clinica legale in diritto dei risparmiatori "Traiettorie evolutive in materia di tutela dei risparmiatori e degli investitori"

La clinica legale in diritto dei risparmiatori organizza il Seminario "Traiettorie evolutive in materia di tutela dei risparmiatori e degli investitori"

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Gli studenti della clinica legale "Diritto dei risparmiatori" di Roma Tre visitano la clinica di Droit de la consommation di Lussemburgo. La testimonianza

Escursione didattica studenti clinici della clinica in Diritto dei risparmiatori di Roma Tre presso la Clinique de droit de la consommation di Lussemburgo

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Convegno "Verso una cultura europea delle cliniche legali" - 14 giugno p.v. Università Studi di Roma Tre - Dipartimento Giurisprudenza

Il 14 giugno 2018 si è svolto presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Università di Roma Tre il convegno dal titolo "Verso una cultura europea delle cliniche legali. Il progetto STARS".

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Primo incontro di presentazione delle Cliniche legali di Roma Tre

Primo incontro di presentazione delle Cliniche legali di Roma Tre

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GAJE-IJCLE-ACCLE - Worldwide Online Conference (Hosted by Northumbria University) - 16 - 18 June 2021: "Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Justice Education in Times of Crises"

We face unprecedented multiple challenges, the most prominent being linked to the ongoing health crisis. The pandemic has changed our day to day lives, breaking down routines and well-established paradigms. It has forced educators and students around the world to rapidly transition from in-person instruction to distance learning, with little time to prepare for this shift. In the midst of this health crisis we face other severe crises linked to climate change and to economic, social and political instabilities everywhere. The recent past has been characterised by environmental disorder, conflict, displacement, growing economic insecurity and austerity. Increasing social polarisation has meant that contemporary societies are becoming more unequal. These crises threaten to overturn well-established theoretical frameworks, approaches and categories, which also deeply affects education and the production of knowledge. This upheaval both challenges us and presents opportunities for rethinking approaches to education. Clinical Legal Education and more generally Justice Education, has always demonstrated its potential to confront crucial practical legal problems societies face and to find innovative responses to them. Many of these legal education programs have enhanced social justice worldwide in many different ways, both directly and through the emphasis on socially relevant legal education. This conference, organised in partnership between the Global Alliance for Justice Education, the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education and the Association for Canadian Clinical Legal Education, will provide a platform to discuss the current challenges, the extent to which they can be turned into opportunities and practical ways forward. It offers an important forum for connecting with and being inspired by a broad diversity of legal justice educators from all over the world. It provides a unique platform for sharing innovative approaches and research on educational methods promoting students’ engagement, diversity and social justice.

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Virtual Conference on  Clinical Legal Education: "Reckoning with our Past & Building for the Future", April 28 - May 1

Virtual Conference on  Clinical Legal Education: "Reckoning with our Past & Building for the Future", April 28 - May 1

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Roma Tre Clinica legale in diritto dei risparmiatori Students visit the Luxembourg's Clinique de droit de la consommation (Luxembourg, 9-10 october)

Roma Tre Clinica legale in diritto dei risparmiatori Students visit the Luxembourg's Clinique de droit de la consommation (Luxembourg, 9-10 october 2019)

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