Skills Transfers in Academia: a Renewed Strategy.
Enhancing Legal Clinics in the European Union.
Erasmus+ S.T.A.R.S. brings together 5 universities, from 4 EU countries, in order to enhance and support the legal clinics development


Event - Taking Clinical Legal Education Online

Justice in Action was designed to make experiential legal education accessible to part time distance learning law undergraduates and to provide a useful source of legal information, advice and guidance available to the public.
In this 90-minute online workshop the Open Justice Center explains their approach to developing meaningful online pro bono opportunities for students on Justice in Action. They will outline some of the core innovations including their online advice clinic, their smartphone apps project, their use of VR, developing online partnerships and will tackle the thorny issues of remote group work and assessing online clinical activity.

The workshop is organized on the 15th May 2020 ( from 13:30 to 15:00) and it would be held online

The workshops will be delivered by Hugh McFaul and Francine Ryan, Co-Directors of the Open Justice Centre. 



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